Logan Mills Fishing

His love of the game began around the age of three when he hooked his first flopper, and he hasn’t looked back. Now he’s on a journey to become a professional angler.
Project Scope
Identity System
Logo Design
Brand Identity

Logan is an avid young angler with a true passion for fishing — especially smallmouth bass. His love of the game began around the age of three when he hooked his first flopper, and he hasn’t looked back. Now he’s on a journey to become a professional angler. Our task was to help get his brand started out on the right foot. If you’re going to be good, it helps if you look good too.


Logan Mills Fishing

Creative+ team


Phillip Cothran


Identity System
Logo Design
Next Project


Brand Identity and Website
Landscaping can make or break a property, sometimes literally. A solid brand identity, or lack thereof can have the same effect on a business.

Great organizations are made up of great people.
Great people tend to be great clients friends.
Great friends do great things, together.